Loan Delight provides information to the customer about various types of loans and offers the best advice based on their credentials and profile. Loan Delight doesn't take any responsibility related to the terms and conditions of lending by various banks or NBFCs. Customers are advised to follow their own discretion before dealing with any of the banks or NBFCs. While we offer our best services, Loan Delight doesn't take any liability against any dispute occurred between the customer or the concerned bank or NBFC. Loan Delight is purely an advisory platform which only offers you complete guidance and assistance in availing the loans from banks or NBFCs.
Minimum Tenure is 12 months & Max Tenure is 72 months for personal loans based on customer or company profile.
Rate of Interest will be minimum 10.49% to 18% diminishing maximum based on profile, salary, category of company etc. Processing fee cannot be included in whole loan amount as it will be charged one time out of entire loan tenure. Processing fee will be 0.5% minimum & 1% maximum based on customer profile.
Being corporate channel partner of all private bankers & NBFC’s, other than banker deductions we are not going to charge any charges externally from the customer. Our services are absolutely purely professional.